Ann Summers Ltd Modern Slavery Statement 2016/17

This statement has been published in accordance with section 54(2) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps taken by Ann Summers Ltd (and its subsidiaries) during the period ended 25 June 2016 to prevent modern slavery in its business and supply chains.

Business model and supply chains

Ann Summers Ltd’s principal activity is the retail and wholesale of lingerie, apparel, adult toys and related accessories. Ann Summers Ltd sells through its 139 stores in the UK and EIRE, distributes to its network of Party Ambassadors, operates a UK based web channel that serves both UK and International customers, and has a growing Wholesale and Licensing channel.

Our product supply chains are global, with around 160 suppliers operating in 8 countries across the US, Europe and Asia.

Policies and controls

We have an established approach to Modern Slavery in our product supply chains. All suppliers are required to sign up to and comply with our Code of Conduct which outlines our zero-tolerance approach to forced labour.

We also operate a Whistleblowing policy internally which enables colleagues to report any wrongdoings and extends to human rights violations like Modern Slavery.

Due diligence and audits of suppliers and supply chain

We recognise that our biggest exposure to Modern Slavery is in our product supply chains and therefore undertake:

  • New supplier due diligence, including an internal audit of all new factories and supplier agreement to our code of conduct prior to commencing supply
  • Audits of factories are undertaken on a supplier risk basis
  • Documented supplier visits

In addition, this year, our Managing Director has written to all suppliers to raise awareness of the Modern Slavery Act and Human Rights. This letter affirms our zero tolerance approach to human rights abuses and reiterates our expectations of them if they become aware of any Modern Slavery within their supply chains.

Assessment of effectiveness in preventing modern slavery

We recognise the need to keep Modern Slavery risk on our agenda and will continually assess our policies, controls and training (both internally and in conjunction with our suppliers) to ensure that this risk is mitigated.

This statement was approved by the Board of Ann Summers Ltd.


J Gold